UI/UX Research

Focus Cult

Focus cult is an initiative answer to lessen the impact of smarphone addiction by making its user close down the phone and record their choosen activity.






Researcher, User Persona, User Flow, LoFi - Wireframe, HiFi Mockup, Illustration.

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Problem Context

In this digital era people are much empowered by convinience. Mobilephone are part of our everyday life, it‘s undenyable that smartphone has aid our daily activity tremendously. With it‘s good trait it also come with some bad trait to our daily life. This dependency on smartphone would soon turned into a smartphone addiction, that bring negative impact to our daily life. It‘s proneness to disrupt both sleep and daily productivity.

Focus cult is an initiative answer to lessen the impact of smarphone addiction by making its user close down the phone and record their choosen activity.

Project Overview

Current Situation

Addiction is considered by WHO as dependence, as the continous usage of something for the sake of relief, comfort or stimulation, which often causes cravings when it absent. The two major categories of addiction involve either substance addiction or behavorial addiction such as mobile phone addiction.

In International hournal of community medecine and health public health 2019 have found that teen and young adults both are prone to be addicted to their smartphone on daily average.

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Out of 399 survey participant (242 are male & 157 are female) 42.4% of them visit their phone 6-20 times a day and 30% of them usually spend around 60 minute or more during the day.

Breakdown Chart

Phone visit during the day


< 5 times


6-20 times


> 20 times

Phone usage before sleep


Doesn‘t use their phone


Use their phone

Duration spent per day


< 90 minutes


90-120 minutes


> 120 minutes

The impact of this is out of 399 participants feel that their productive time duration has been impaired due to phone usage, 154 (53,1%) participant feel that their concentration has been affected due to phone usage, and 142 (35,6%) feel that their sleep has been hampered due to excessive phone usage.

Design Process

To find and formulate the solution, I used double diamond design approach throughout the process to find to solution.

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Discover & Define

Problem Identicification
User Research
User Persona
Design Research

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Ideate User Flow
Sketch Wireframe
Information Architecture

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Low-Fi Wireframe
Hi-Fi Mockups
Hi-Fi Prototypes

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Deliverance & Evaluate


User Research

I conducted interviews on 15 participants and created empathy maps to understand the user that I‘m designing for and their needs. There are 3 user groups that can be identified from this interview.

    Interview Goals
  • The pain point for both of the user group
  • Figuring out what makes them spend their time on phone more than necessary
  • Figuring out how much it (spending too much time on phone) affect their daily life

Key Findings

Young Adult
Work Environment
Young Adult

who is a

Time management
Sleep Schedule
College Life

Both teen / young adult who‘s a scholar feels the negative influence of being addicted to phone. As they tend to procrastinate more while they should be studying / attending to lecture.

Young Adult

who is on

Work Environment
Time management
Adjusting Habits
Sleep Schedule
Lack of Guidance

As the teen / young adult on their work environment, they already felt exhausted because first they had to adjust their habits from college. They also feel phone addiction not only affected their daily productivity but also ruining their sleep schedule

Young Adult

who is a


and on

Work Environment
Time management
Adjusting Habits
Sleep Schedule
Lack of Guidance

On this demographic they feel even harder to manage their time as they had to study and work at the same time. They feel they had to be able to focus for the day to day task, if they do procastinate it would damage not only their study, but also their work productivity and sleep schedule.

User Persona

Based on the user group that I sorted out from the interviewers, I start to build a persona that could represent the common need of the potential users that the platform would base to buid on.

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“I want to be able to focus both on my job and study effectively during the day, and sleep effectively without being distracted by my phone.”

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Intern, Student

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Peri Petra

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CS, Undergraduate

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Surabaya, Indonesia


  • 100% attention during lectures
  • Complete assignment on time
  • To be able to sleep early without being distracted with his phone
  • Being able to focus while working or studying


  • Addicted to phone and social media
  • Easily distracted during the day
  • Having a hard time to fall asleep at night

Peri is a computer science under graduate who currently working in a leading tech company as an intern. As his last year on his study coming to end, he needs to put his attention on his final project and his intern program. Because of this he has a tight working and studying schedule but he always try to balance his work, study and life. Peri would like to have an easy way to keeping him off his phone, keep track, and improve his time management. Allowing him to improve his productivity both on studying his last year of uni and working at his intern program.

Product Values

By synthesizing all the data from user research, insight are generated, groupe, and prioritized. As a result, value propositions for Focus Cult are established.

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Present a clear and relevant information with clear structure that assist users to achieve and comprehend data easily.

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Present a clear and relevant information with clear structure that assist users to achieve and comprehend data easily.

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Present a clear and relevant information with clear structure that assist users to achieve and comprehend data easily.

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Present a clear and relevant information with clear structure that assist users to achieve and comprehend data easily.

Main User Flow

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Taking the time to draft iterations of each screens of the app on paper ensured that the element that made it to digital wireframe would be well suited addressing to the user pain points. I prioritized a quick menu load out to streamline the process and esay waty to acces the status overview to help the user.

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Affinity Diagram

I synthesized the data from the previous studies and started categorizing to generate insight and finding the common themes.

Troubled by the bright home screen
Confused by the home information
Confused by the history information
Overwhelmed by the ammount of information
No night mode on home screen
Frustated on lack of guidance
Frustated having to re-configure profile
Confused by the home screen


  • Troubled by lacking of guidance from the start of the apps
  • Confused by having to log in ( is log in important )
  • Complete 1 focus session
  • Successfully setup task and timer on focus session
  • Successfully cancel and change session
  • Troubled by the bright ui and there is no Dark Mode

    Information architecture

  • Frustated there is no pause button for a session
  • Frustated about too much information on statistic page
  • Troubled by information hierarchy on statistic page


  • Troubled by lacking of guidance from the start of the apps
  • Overwhelmed by the amount of information on statistic
  • Confuse by the information on statistic
  • Thinks the statistic page are overwhelming
  • Dislike having to reconfigure the profile page


  • Frustated there is no pause button for a session
  • Frustated about too much information on statistic page
  • Troubled cancelling session
  • Troubled creating a new task for a session


  • Confused by the term of “summoning pool”


  • This app really help me to focus
  • This app help me to sleep faster
  • this app help me to not use my phone

High Fidelity Mockups

High Fidelity Mockups also known as visual design are the final design element of the process. These design represent how the app finally looks like after developed.

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Typography & Colors

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Design System

Grid System

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Button & Links


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Radio Button

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Option Button

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Dark Mode & Light Mode

A dedicated nightmode dashboard for more enjoyable user experiences. From main menu, home, setting, history, summoning pool and achievement.

Visit this link if you interested to try the prototype of my research.https://www.figma.com/proto/gV6Y58TPDZdY8dLdKWp7sC/Focus-app?node-id=0%3A1&viewport=-371%2C-824%2C0.08&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=88%3A1874&show-proto-sidebar=1

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